Labour-run council add to cost of living crisis with 6% rise in council tax
Tax on city centre parking to remain in force.
Mike is actively involved in community activities, such as church leadership, as a governor of Olchfa and Sketty schools and residents’ groups. Elected a Sketty Councillor in 1999, he was Cabinet member for Education for 8 years, and is Lord Mayor for 2022-23. His career has involved HR, senior university leadership, university-business interactions, and building links in education and life sciences.
Tax on city centre parking to remain in force.
Over the last 3 years Swansea Council has spent more than £485,000 on agency staff for Social Care, at a time when there are more than 30 vacancies across adult and child social care.
Welsh Labour Minister, Julie James' pact with developers to fix buildings affected by Building Fire Safety concerns has been branded “not worth the paper it is written on” by local campaigners.
Sadly, on 5 April, Swansea Council’s Planning Committee approved a planning application to build 101 homes on part of Olchfa School’s playing fields. This was despite the online petition with just under 300 signatures and nearly 120 individual letters of objection. Significant issues were raised over the safety of school pupils and pedestrians, increased flooding risk, environmental damage, increased traffic in the area, and the impact on local residents living close to the site, as well as the permanent loss of open green space.